However, being recently inspired by Cake-mom extraordinaire Kristin Rutherford, I decided to go all out this year and make cupcakes for Chloe's preschool class. I decided pretty early on that I wanted to do a Totoro theme, since it was her first movie, so I did the precursory Google search for "Totoro cupcakes." Most of what I saw was way beyond what I would consider feasible given my constraint s- I was making them the same day that I was bringing them to her school. Yes, I procrastinate. I consider it one of my finest honed skills.
Most of the really good ones were made using fondant - which, for cost and time reasons, was out. There was just no way I was going to make 15 individual fondant Totoros. Sorry, but no.
From: Black-chips |
From: That Girl's Site |
From: Celebrate With Cake! |
Feeling a little exasperated I headed to Michael's Craft Store to see what I could dig up. After about an hour of aimless wandering and picking stuff up and then putting it back down, I had finally decided on my approach.
First I made the cupcakes, sorry bakers it was out of a box. After they cooled I iced them all with cream cheese frosting - also not homemade, no shame.
Then I cut a stencil out of a cereal box in the shape of Totoro's white stomach. I held the stencil over the cupcake as I sprayed on his grey fur. I used Wilton's Color Mist food spray in silver.
You'll need black, white and green. |
Overall I was happy with the results, though some of them came out better than others - usually depending on how domed the cake I was working on was. As I said before, if I overfilled the cups it made the eyes and whiskers janky. I recommend using a measured scoop to ensure an even, flat cupcake. DO NOT OVERFILL 1/3 is less than you think!
But, janky eyes or not the kids didn't seem to care!